Look at this!! It looks like an ocean, doesn't it? It is the largest lake in South America by water volume and the highest lake in the world (3,812 m/12,507 ft), Lake Titicaca. The lake was split between Bolivia and Peru, and I think this is just the perfect stop to cross the border. We took a bus to the most west city of Bolivia, Copacabana, from La Paz.
We walked around this small yet beautiful city for half day before heading to one of the islands. There are some stores that sell souvenirs for tourist, including little reed boat and some dried llama fetus (SCARY!). We also saw this beautiful church "Basilica of Our Lady". The church is white on the outside, and with the blue sky, you almost feel like you are in Greece.
We followed the tourist attraction sign and ended up on Cerro Calvario. It is a hill with 14 different stations marked by crosses, and when you get to the top, it overlooks Lake Titicaca, which is spectacular (See the picture above!). It seems like a spiritual place for the locals, as you can see a lot of street vendors selling candles and incense at the top, and also people praying.