Everybody heard of the Machu Picchu, but not a lot of people heard of these incredible ruins called Tiahuanaco or Tiwanaku. Today, we joined a tour to Tiwanaku, which is located in west of Bolivia, about 1.5 hour from La Paz. In the bus terminal, there are a lot of bus companies that go to Tiwanaku everyday, and the bus fare includes a round trip from La Paz and a tour guide that speaks English.
It was believed that the area around Tiwanaku may have been inhabited as early as 1500 BC. Since this ruin is so old, a lot of the stuff we saw were reconstructed, and even with reconstruction, there is not too many structures to see (you will need some imagination). A couple things to see here: the Akapana pyramid, the gate of the sun and a bunch of monoliths.
There are a lot of people believe that this is the work of some aliens, because if you look at the stones carefully, you can see some really intricate stonework that is hard to imagine how people could have achieved this thousands of years ago. Also, the stones were brought to the site of construction over 60 miles away, and they are huge! (up to 100 tons) How did that happen without modern technology!? When humans do not understand something, it must be the alien's work! This archaeological site remains one of the most mysterious and fascinating ruins in South America for archaeologist, and there are still a lot that has yet to be discovered!

When we were back in La Paz, look what we saw! Instead of a reindeer, it is a llama with Santa Claus! You will only see this here! This is the most awesome and exotic Christmas I have ever had! Love it.