Before continuing the Paris trip, let me tell you what I did over the Christmas break! Guai lo and I decided to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico to visit his mom. It was great to have some family time, as well as having such a relaxing and chilled vacation!
Christmas Dinner
They set up the Christmas tree with all the ornaments they bought over the years, and it was so adorable! Each ornament has the year they bought written on it, so cute <3 And of course, the Christmas dinner was delicious, especially the dessert, apple crisp!
The next couple days, we were exploring different nature hikes in Santa Fe. And it was absolutely amazing! It is really nice to have such beautiful nature so close to you.
Lion Cave Trail

Bandelier National Monument
Valles Caldera National Preserve

Diablo Canyon

Family + Nature hikes is the perfect ending for 2016. I could not have asked for more in 2016, and I hope this year will be even better!