Last weekend was a very random and spontaneous getaway! We said that we wanted to see the foliage, so we picked somewhere close to go, Portland, OR! Being from Hong Kong, and living in California, I really would love to see some fall colors! I guess we are a tad bit early, so the color just started to change :(
Multnomah-Wahkeena Loop Hike
It is a 5-mile round trip loop with spectacular waterfalls everywhere!
Thor's well
This is 3 hours away from Portland, but I insisted we have to see it! Unfortunately, we didn't go at the right time of the day...... the tide is too low to see the Thor's well at its glorious moment (click for some google image I found), instead we got a pretty pathetic hole..... The beach was absolutely gorgeous though :D
Dog Mountain Hike
A 7-mile round trip hike, 2800 feet elevation gain, not an easy hike, but it's pretty scenic. The trail head is actually in Washington state, and you have to pass the "Bridge of the Gods" ($2 toll both ways). When you arrive at the trail head, there's a self-service pay station, and it's $5 per car. You can definitely see some beautiful fall colors on this trail, as well as getting a stunning view of the Columbia River Gorge.
Of course, there's food and coffee!! We went to 4 different coffee places, found a delicious donut place (my favorite is meyer lemon and the maple bacon donuts), and had some really good Thai food (love the papaya salad there)! It was a pretty tiring schedule for a 2-day trip to Portland, but it was fun! Nice views, good food, awesome company!